Monday, March 8, 2010

Two Little Words that can make a difference

Well, Hello again! I thought I would share a little more with you. I made thank you cards this last saturday and wanted to show them to you...they are posted in the bottom of this blog. I am a firm believer in saying "Thank You". Those two little words can mean the world to someone. And, there have been times in my life that they have meant the world to me... and exactly what I needed to hear! It might seem like such a small thing to you, but there are days when a smile or a thank you is what is needed to lift us up and make us feel better.
My parents brought me up with the properness of saying "Please" and "Thank You". We were taught to never ask or receive something without saying the appropriate phrase. And, I agree, that it's not polite to just take/receive, especially without showing thankfulness for what you have or are about to receive.
Just like smiling to random people can lift their day... so can saying Thank you. If only there were more people in the world that are willing and ready to show their thankfulness for what they have, this world would be a better place. Not perfect, but better than it is. And, so I will conclude this blog tonight with saying "Thank You" to anyone who may be reading this or has read this in passing by. I appreciate you! Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. The "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you - Oh wait, did I say Thanks?" is my favorite.

    I'm good about Thank you, but need to work on my Please skills.

    Beyond having always been a wonderful sentiment, I think with everyone tightening their budgeting belts thank you cards are coming back into popular style. Many people can no longer afford larger gestures of thanks such as meals for flowers. This is quite a blesses, particularly hand made ones are more personal which when it comes to thanks always means more.

    You're cards are lovely.... but I think I'm going to have to make a few myself since I can't buy a thank you card from you for you.

