Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our Choice ~ Poem by Leigh

Coming to grips with reality
looking up to see no one there
how do I let go of this insanity
lying in the wake of lost humanity
Realizing that no one cares.

Mindless shells without any care
Leaving their existence up to anyone
Wanting to shake them free of their cell
Wanting them to wake from their soulless Hell
How can they choose to lose and be done?

We fight for the freedoms of everyone
But what if they don't want to be Free?
They cannot even see beyond their walls
They care not if all of humanity falls
Into the pit of Hell...a mindless being!

Have we all become a mindless follower
But having Satan lead us the way?
Down into the pit of Hell with Satisfaction
written on his face, no care, no action
Just pleased he's taking us away!

Is there no fight left in us anymore?
To care where our souls need to be
We cannot stand blameless before God
As He reads us our sins...and just nod
But, instead, be the person He sees.

We must fight for the living and dead
We must wake up and show where we Stand
We have more at stake than we know
So if Satan wants to play, let's give him a Show
Let him know we'll fight back, we understand!

We will fight for the next life after this
We can choose to have Heaven or Hell
Depending on whose side we will stand
Fearful or Faithful together we'll band
It is the Final war, after all!

So take my hand and be Faithful and Strong
Let him know we will not back down
For we have come to fight til the end
The dawn is breaking so let us defend
Let us break the cycle that had us bound.

This is our choice to make, no one else
To decide on which side we will Stand
God has given us the agency to Choose
Knowing we might win or choose to lose
Fighting for everything that's in us...til the End.

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