Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wedding Invitations...

Simply put, I have a creative Soul. It's in my blood and always has been. Although, I am still learning new things everyday. There is always opportunity to try new creative outlets and learn new things about yourself. That said, I feel everyone is creative in some way or form, so the question is... How do you harness it once you have found it?
That is my quest... to perfect in me what I find to be talents I did not know I had, or to create new talents with opportunities I have been given.
Today I will focus on one of those... Making cards/stamping. My wonderful mother gave me her stockpile of stamps and cards during Thanksgiving 2009. I had played around with it a little, but somehow having his in "my" hands made me want to envelop myself in it and learn new ways of creating "Art". It is similar to scrapbooking. However, I tend to give away what I make rather than keep it, therefore, I am learning to blog so I can not only keep something for myself, but be able to take a chance to look back and see how much I have grown with what I have been given.
Recently, my sister Nettie has gotten engaged to Martin. They are to be married on April 10th, 2010. She called me to ask that I make her wedding invitations. So, I agreed, but not without letting her know I am very new at this and they may not be as professional as she would like. That said, below are the two wedding card styles she chose and what they turned out to look like. Inside was a black ribbon with a beautiful saying on top and the wedding details on the bottom. She was extremely please with them. However, I am constantly learning and trying new things and taking things in stride as I harness this talent I have been given.
With that.. I hope you enjoy my first post and the following posts to come. I will be focusing on different talents as I share with you what I have learned and what I am trying to do to perfect what I have been given.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world!.

    That is a beautiful flower, I can see why she wanted it!
