Thursday, March 11, 2010



I choose to be
I choose to be as crazy as I wanna be
Laughing at myself and my own jokes
But I don’t care because that is what I choose to be
I choose to be
Fat, thin or round
And I don’t care
That is what I choose to be
Others may sneer or laugh or call me names
But that is just because
They cannot be free
They are a cookie cutter image of
The world, Media, Hollywood… Crazies
People who don’t know how to be themselves
They only know how to be what others want to see
And that is not what I choose to be
I am a heroine of the real person
I am not afraid to be me
I do not follow the crowd
But walk against it
I smile when they say I should not
I cry when I am not supposed to show emotion
I scream yell and cuss
But that is me
And that is what I choose to be
Let me learn in my own way
Let me grow up to be what I want to be
Let me believe in what ever it is I want to believe in
Because that is what I have chosen to be
Don’t try to change me
Don’t try to influence me
Don’t take away bits and pieces of me
But let me be me
Because that is what I have chosen to be

Leigh Witbeck

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