Thursday, March 11, 2010

I heart Poetry

I heart Poetry. All kinds of Poetry. I think that sometimes poetry is the best way to express yourself when you cannot speak about something or you are unable to deal with something. Poetry has been my outlet for everything good and bad that has happened in my Life. And, sometimes, when I feel nothing is going on within me...words just seem to flow and express something deep inside that I did not really understand!
So within the next few days, I will share a few different styles of poems that I have created over time and let you in to a part of me that I rarely show anyone.



I choose to be
I choose to be as crazy as I wanna be
Laughing at myself and my own jokes
But I don’t care because that is what I choose to be
I choose to be
Fat, thin or round
And I don’t care
That is what I choose to be
Others may sneer or laugh or call me names
But that is just because
They cannot be free
They are a cookie cutter image of
The world, Media, Hollywood… Crazies
People who don’t know how to be themselves
They only know how to be what others want to see
And that is not what I choose to be
I am a heroine of the real person
I am not afraid to be me
I do not follow the crowd
But walk against it
I smile when they say I should not
I cry when I am not supposed to show emotion
I scream yell and cuss
But that is me
And that is what I choose to be
Let me learn in my own way
Let me grow up to be what I want to be
Let me believe in what ever it is I want to believe in
Because that is what I have chosen to be
Don’t try to change me
Don’t try to influence me
Don’t take away bits and pieces of me
But let me be me
Because that is what I have chosen to be

Leigh Witbeck

Our Choice ~ Poem by Leigh

Coming to grips with reality
looking up to see no one there
how do I let go of this insanity
lying in the wake of lost humanity
Realizing that no one cares.

Mindless shells without any care
Leaving their existence up to anyone
Wanting to shake them free of their cell
Wanting them to wake from their soulless Hell
How can they choose to lose and be done?

We fight for the freedoms of everyone
But what if they don't want to be Free?
They cannot even see beyond their walls
They care not if all of humanity falls
Into the pit of Hell...a mindless being!

Have we all become a mindless follower
But having Satan lead us the way?
Down into the pit of Hell with Satisfaction
written on his face, no care, no action
Just pleased he's taking us away!

Is there no fight left in us anymore?
To care where our souls need to be
We cannot stand blameless before God
As He reads us our sins...and just nod
But, instead, be the person He sees.

We must fight for the living and dead
We must wake up and show where we Stand
We have more at stake than we know
So if Satan wants to play, let's give him a Show
Let him know we'll fight back, we understand!

We will fight for the next life after this
We can choose to have Heaven or Hell
Depending on whose side we will stand
Fearful or Faithful together we'll band
It is the Final war, after all!

So take my hand and be Faithful and Strong
Let him know we will not back down
For we have come to fight til the end
The dawn is breaking so let us defend
Let us break the cycle that had us bound.

This is our choice to make, no one else
To decide on which side we will Stand
God has given us the agency to Choose
Knowing we might win or choose to lose
Fighting for everything that's in us...til the End.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Two Little Words that can make a difference

Well, Hello again! I thought I would share a little more with you. I made thank you cards this last saturday and wanted to show them to you...they are posted in the bottom of this blog. I am a firm believer in saying "Thank You". Those two little words can mean the world to someone. And, there have been times in my life that they have meant the world to me... and exactly what I needed to hear! It might seem like such a small thing to you, but there are days when a smile or a thank you is what is needed to lift us up and make us feel better.
My parents brought me up with the properness of saying "Please" and "Thank You". We were taught to never ask or receive something without saying the appropriate phrase. And, I agree, that it's not polite to just take/receive, especially without showing thankfulness for what you have or are about to receive.
Just like smiling to random people can lift their day... so can saying Thank you. If only there were more people in the world that are willing and ready to show their thankfulness for what they have, this world would be a better place. Not perfect, but better than it is. And, so I will conclude this blog tonight with saying "Thank You" to anyone who may be reading this or has read this in passing by. I appreciate you! Thank you.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wedding Invitations...

Simply put, I have a creative Soul. It's in my blood and always has been. Although, I am still learning new things everyday. There is always opportunity to try new creative outlets and learn new things about yourself. That said, I feel everyone is creative in some way or form, so the question is... How do you harness it once you have found it?
That is my quest... to perfect in me what I find to be talents I did not know I had, or to create new talents with opportunities I have been given.
Today I will focus on one of those... Making cards/stamping. My wonderful mother gave me her stockpile of stamps and cards during Thanksgiving 2009. I had played around with it a little, but somehow having his in "my" hands made me want to envelop myself in it and learn new ways of creating "Art". It is similar to scrapbooking. However, I tend to give away what I make rather than keep it, therefore, I am learning to blog so I can not only keep something for myself, but be able to take a chance to look back and see how much I have grown with what I have been given.
Recently, my sister Nettie has gotten engaged to Martin. They are to be married on April 10th, 2010. She called me to ask that I make her wedding invitations. So, I agreed, but not without letting her know I am very new at this and they may not be as professional as she would like. That said, below are the two wedding card styles she chose and what they turned out to look like. Inside was a black ribbon with a beautiful saying on top and the wedding details on the bottom. She was extremely please with them. However, I am constantly learning and trying new things and taking things in stride as I harness this talent I have been given.
With that.. I hope you enjoy my first post and the following posts to come. I will be focusing on different talents as I share with you what I have learned and what I am trying to do to perfect what I have been given.