Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mothers Day

So.. it's been a while, and for that I am sorry! It's been crazy! Two weddings within a week of each other... amidst work! I am just out of breath... lol!! Anyway, it's Mothers Day and I want to share a Poem I wrote about my mom. She is amazing. Despite all the kinks along the path of growing up, I could not and would not be the person I am without her! She has taught me respect for God and respect for others! And a love of Farming... lol!!

Echoes of You (A Tribute to Mothers Day)

I look back and remember
Time well spent
To make me the Daughter I am
The fighting and biting
The kicking and screaming
The stolen cookie found in my hand
A firm hand to Teach
A firm hand to scold
And punishments I thought - Galore
A prayer here and there
A thought and a deed
I look back and could not have asked more
The lessons I've learned
And the memories I have
The Blessings God has found fit to bestow
Are all Echoes of You
A mirror image to see
What's good came from you, this I know
The cooking and baking
And the visiting teaching
The callings we make sure are done well
A Testimony shared
And a Strength to Hold on
Are all traits of you - Can't you tell?
The older I get
The more I can see
That the Best part of me has been you
So count out your Blessings
With a hug and a kiss
And know that it counts all the things that you do
For on a Mountain we Stand
With a Faith that is Pure
And I owe ou for what you have taught
For the light shines much brighter
And my Testimony shines
And I'm Thankful for all that I've got
When you look at your children
And how Strong we've become
For life's ups and downs in this test
Know that it's the Echoes of You
That goes on in our lives
And we owe it to you - You're the Best!!

Written by: Leigh Witbeck

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